Tuesday November 15th was a national day of action for the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance movement. A rally was organized in Davis, CA outside the Army Corps of Engineers office, who are responsible for permitting the pipeline, at 609 2nd Street in downtown, in solidarity with other actions nationwide. Organizers spoke to the group about the pipeline and its dangers, and others shared their thoughts and feelings about the pipeline, the movement, and related issues. At peak participation, the action likely drew 100-150 people, based on personal observation. A Choctaw man and longtime indigenous rights activist shared his experience and observations of the two months he spent at the Standing Rock camp in North Dakota, as well as expressed his happiness and gratitude at the solidarity shown by his community. After words were exchanged in front of the Army Corps of Engineers office on 2nd street, the group marched down E street to Wells Fargo, then looping around to Bank of America (both financiers of the pipeline). After the NoDAPL march finished their loop around Bank of America and Wells Fargo, both financiers of the pipeline, the group held the intersection of E and 2nd streets, writing messages and drawing images in chalk upon the roadway. Snapshots below. If you are a news agency or media outlet and would be interested in using any of these photos, please contact me.
Along with many other University of California Campuses, UC Davis students protested the election of Donald Trump to the United States Presidency in the early morning of November 9th, 2016. The demonstration was peaceful, with city and university police officers escorting the protesters through the city and campus. My own estimates for the protesters numbers are hundreds, possibly reaching 1,000 at peak participation. The march lasted several hours, routing along Russell Blvd, through campus, and back along Russel to Central Park and ultimately, the Davis Commons, where a last-minute direct action took place at the intersection of 1st Street and Richards Blvd. Protesters took turns voicing opinions, planning and purpose moving forward, before peacefully dispersing.
If you are a news agency or media outlet and would be interested in using any of these photos, please contact me, or visit my editorial gallery to see more.
Today, Senator Bernie Sanders made a stop in Sacramento to show his support for California Proposition 61 at a rally on the steps of the state capitol. If you are a news agency or media outlet and would be interested in using any of these photos, please contact me, or visit my editorial gallery to see more.
On Halloween, my sister and I went to Bobby Dazzler's pumpkin patch off highway 113 in Woodland to pick pumpkins; and to take photos, of course. As if in opposition to our trip there on Halloween last year (which was sunny and warm), it was overcast, rainy, and a bit windy, but made for some great moody shots.
March 2024